The licensing and Induction of Revd Matthew Carlisle


We were delighted to welcome Matthew and his family to the churches of St Mary and St Clement on a wonderful day of worship, celebration and sharing at both churches.

The morning service at St Clements church was conducted by Bishop David, Bishop of Manchester. Both parishes joined together with representatives from  the local community plus  young families and Brownies. Fellowship and welcome between the two churches continued with a buffet prepared by St Clements.

The evening service of Holy Eucharist and the induction of Matthew as the vicar of St Mary’s was led by Archdeacon Karen. Once again both parishes came together with Matthew’s friends from his previous parish and visiting clergy. After the service the church hall was full of chat and friendship with refreshments.

We now  embark on this new joint journey of faith under Matthew’s ministry.

Many of you completed a jigsaw piece to reflect the many aspects of our St Mary’s community coming together. These are now on display at the front of church and will eventually be made into a booklet to be given to Matthew.

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