Children's Church

 ALL AGE WORSHIP  Sundays 10 a.m.  email : 

Our children's church worship with activities start in church with the congregation 10 a.m.. We then move into the church hall for child centred worship activities and we will re-join the service to take the Eucharist and join in the hymn and blessing at the end of the service.


 We also share the Eucharist as whole congregation in church on some occasions . There are pew packs prepared for the children . These include activities related to the worship activities e.g. a colouring sheet with a children's prayer, sometimes a simple craft activity with stickers and/or double sided tape, a puzzle sheet, a bible reading and supportive adult notes to take home. We have a book shelf in church and some bible related toys too such as the Galilee boat with disciples, Noahs Ark, felt fish and more.  If your little one is too young for crayons and stickers you may want to bring a quiet toy bag or use one of our bags avavilble at the back of church. Please ask one of of welcoming team.

We welcome you.

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