2.30 p.m. on the 2nd Wednesday of the month
Please see the latest newsletter and church calendar
We meet at 2.30 p.m. in the church hall on the 2nd Tuesday of each month except August ( holiday break) and January ( social meal)
General History
Mary Sumner founded the Mothers’ Union in the village of Old Alresford in Hampshire. The Central Constitution which governs the running of the Society was first drawn up in 1896 and in 1926 a Royal Charter was granted. In June 1995 the Queen in Privy Council approved the third Constitution in the Society’s history. Each Diocese has its own Constitution.
The Mothers’ Union is active throughout the Anglican Communion. It has members in the 5 Provinces of the British Isles: Canterbury, Wales, Ireland, Scotland & York, (CWISY) and in a further 28 provinces throughout the world.
Mary Sumner House has been the headquarters of the mothers’ Union since 1925. Located in Westminster it was built for this purpose with money donated by members throughout the world.
The Mothers’ Union continually works to increase membership and promote public awareness of our Aims and Objects. This is done through training and resourcing members, carrying out media campaigns, organising events and producing publicity material.
Projects outside the UK are supported by the Overseas Fund and the Relief Fund is specifically for emergencies and disasters, such as war, famine and flood. Our workers already in the affected areas can address the problems on the ground.
The Mothers’ Union Literacy & Development Program (MULDP) is growing steadily in the 13 dioceses in which it operates. Over the last 3 years 30,000 people have joined the program, almost 15,000 have been accredited as literate and numerate. The impact on their lives and their families is incredible.
Mary Sumner House supports and resources the work of the UK and Ireland Mothers’ Union groups with their own initiatives. A grant may be given from the CWISY Fund
The Support for Children and Families Affected by Imprisonment Project (SCIP) has members involved in over 70 prisons. Support provided varies, including supervising children in play areas in the visits hall and leading parenting courses for residents.
The Away From It All (AFIA) project offers people experiencing financial hardship or stress a much needed holiday - mostly applicants are referred by social workers, the probation service, clergy and teachers.Supporting parenting is a growing part of our work. Courses offer people the opportunity to meet together, reflect on their parenting and consider alternative approaches.
Here in the STRETFORD DEANERY we provide knitted clothes for the Special Care Baby Unit, we also provide emergency toilet bags for the Elderly Patients Unit of our local hospital and toiletries for a Mens Hostel. All these projects are well supported by the St Mary’s Davyhulme Branch.
History of the St Mary’s Branch
St Mary’s Davyhulme Mothers Union branch was formed when it was registered at Church House in 1917, with 36 members. The first secretary was Mrs McKinnell, who continued in that office for many years. The branch held monthly meetings, Prayer groups, working parties, bring & buy sales, whist drives, plays, social gatherings and outings, They also worked hard to raise money for charities and the Church.
In the 1950's the membership was around 100. The branch bought the first carpet for the chancel and a white altar frontal and also helped buy furniture for our daughter Church - Christ Church.
St Mary’s Mothers’ Union continue with their varied programme at monthly meetings held on the second Tuesday in each month and have speakers, both spiritual and light hearted. After our summer break in August we start our programme in September with a Eucharist Service held in St Mary’s Church.The branch supports the Church events over the years in various ways. In recent years we have organised a Christmas meal at a local venue to which a wide range of our congregation also attend.
All our meetings are open to everybody and visitors are made very welcome.
For further information on St Mary’s Mothers’ Union please contact :-
Secretary: Shirley Artus
E-mail: ianandshirleyartus@virginmedia.com
Telephone: 0161-748-7857